Sunday, October 4, 2009

I want one of these....

Position Desired: Mommie
Date of availability: Immediately!
Qualifications: Don't I look 100% natural in this picture, holding a baby that was just 8 hours old? Also, I really really like babies and kids. Have ever since I was little. (Anyone in my family remember the saga of baby Rachel Peterson and Christi holding her during sacrament meeting??)
What I will bring to this position: Lots of singing time, tickle bug attacks, bear hugs, dance lessons (that will be daddy's department though), world travel, 2 parents who love each other a LOT, and will love you more than anything. 2 parents who have a firm belief in God and a plan for us as a family, that we can be together forever. Doesn't that sound great?
References: Ask any of my nieces or nephews- they'll all tell you how great I am!
So won't you choose me, little one, and decide to come to our family? We want you here- can't wait to find out that you are coming (hope it will be soon!!!)

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